Saturday, May 14, 2016


Do you ever just get in that mood where you’re like “I’M SO DONE WITH EVERYTHING”?? Because that is literally me right now. I can’t help it though!! I’m a second semester, fourth quarter senior and I’m so tired of high school drama and teachers still assigning work and just everything in general. Granted I am a teenage girl with a bit of an attitude, mostly towards my mom though (sorry mom, ily) but I can’t be the only one thinking and feeling that the whole world is against me, am I??! I sure hope not.  I even think about deleting all my social media from time to time because I could not care less and I felt like noone would care if I deleted it anyway. Last month or maybe longer ago I lost my best friend, I don’t even know what happened. We went from hanging out and talking everyday to not talking at all unless it’s a forced conversation and not hanging out… At this point, this may sound selfish, but I really do not care. I don’t want to be friends with someone who doesn't want to be friends with me. Everyone else around me seems to care so much about how this girl and I aren't friends anymore and people think there is some type of tension between us but honestly I don’t even know if there is or not. I know some people will read this and think I sound selfish but I’m just telling it straight how it is. Enough with all the depressing stuff…. I found out recently that I finally got off the waiting list at my dream school, Virginia Tech, AND I’m going to be working as a Sales Associate at Lilly Pulitzer!! I could not be happier to attend VT and I’m sooooooo excited for Lilly to open!!